26 October 2005

@ MVRDV studio

Yesterday we* got to see the MVRDV studio here in Rotterdam.

Winy at work

* - People from the Winy Maas Studio

A few random shots of Studio

This is the main studio space

One of the office library

And here's a few snaps of some Models, Most of which we have seen in Magazines or in one of there publications

Model-scape 02

Model-scape 03

14 October 2005


After spending all most a month in the Netherlands, I finally made it to the 'Star' attraction of being here - Amsterdam. And ten minutes of walk along some one the main roads of this city I knew just why this place is the 'Star'. It's really a great city. So much more alive than Rotterdam and so much more richer (In all most every sense of the word).
Anyways I share some City-scapes from my very brief visit to this exhilarating place.
City-scape 2, this one from near Dam Square - the city main square. This is sort of the heart of the tourist circuit (this and the red district).
City-scape 3, and the last one is off probably the most clichéd image of Amsterdam

(this city supposedly has the most no. of bridges in one city anywhere)

Light on the move

This (exhibition) was our actual aim of going to Amsterdam. The Exhibition titled - "Transitions - light on the move" . Seven Architects (/firms) from different parts of Europe were asked to light up containers using the most innovative lighting designs with obliviously using the best available technology.

This one was designed by Leon Wohlhage Wernik Architekten . An architecture firm based in Berlin.

Some random snaps from the exhibtion

Bytheway this was the only installation that was more of a product at a spacial lighting solution.

This one is designed by MVRDV

This one from the main lobby of this huge exhibition gallery (which was an old huge abandoned water tank)

This one has to be my favourite container.

The tunnel effect these series of light create was great

One more from the tunnel.

And that's my Italian friend - Gissi

And my favourite snap from the exhibition.

The last one - from outside the gallery.

10 October 2005

Here's one of myself.
Finally today I have seen the Sun and a nice Blue sky otherwise it has been like in the snap below for days now and its damn depressing.

Ninad - Though immortalised by manish we haven't seen any such snaps from him recently (for that matter we haven't seen any snaps from him).

03 October 2005

TU Delft

I just got back from the Delft University, and WOW!! what a campus. This is the main library designed by Mecanoo an architectural firm based in Deflt. They have some amazing building around the Netherlands, check out there website - http://www.mecanoo.com

You guys probably want to check out the Faculty of Architecture website.
On popular demand - heres one more snap of the Cube Houses.
I haven't yet been inside them, but there are people actually living in them. One of them is also a Museum open to the public.

02 October 2005

Home Sweet Home

And finally I have my own place in Rotterdam. So all you people out there - as long as you have your own sleeping bag you can crash here.

It's a small Studio Apartment near Museum Park on a street whose name I can't even dream of saying. It's in a great location - quiet close to the city centre and ten minutes from the Berlage by cycle (I finally got one yesterday - so I have sort of started belonging here).

(That's my temporary room-mate Jaun from Columbia in his sleeping bag)

A Google map tracing my travels across the globe

View Larger Map
  • In Red cities where I have lived (more than one month);
  • In Blue cities that I have visited