Here's some image of some interesting Architecture that I saw in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mamallapuram.

This is the
LIC building in Bangalore by Charles Correa, though he never shows this project or talks about it I quiet like it. The rough concrete is beautiful they should do more buildings with this brutal look.

Since this was my first visit to Hyderabad, it would be queit empty without a visit to the city's most important Icon - the
Char Minar.

And this strange building owned by VSNL inside the Hitec city to me has to be the most interesting building in the whole complex.
And the last series are of the world famous Temples of Mamallapuram (or Mahabalipuram)

The Rock cut caves are quiet mind blowing. (Check out the Lion columns)

And these are monolith pieces of rock !!
And to end with the most dramatic - the Shore Temple.

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