28 August 2006
OMA in The Hague (Den Haag)
16 August 2006
WAAA - Maastricht
The building itself is shared by Wiel Arets’ house and studio and was designed by him. Have a look at our website (www.wielarets.nl) to see what sort of work we do.
08 August 2006
Living in Maastricht.
The master plan for ‘Ceramique’ was drawn out by Jo Coenen (of NAI fame) and has an impressive collection of architects building there (Jo Coenen, Alvaro Siza, Aldo Rossi, Wiel Arets to name a few). Check out a few buildings from here –
Anyways, what brings me to this small town is a summer internship at Wiel Arets Architect and Associates. Wiel Arets is the ex-Dean of the Berlage Institute,
03 August 2006
Short trips to Dubai

So like I was saying from the Deserts and her sea huge monstro‘cities’ are appearing. Above the construction cranes of the
Though I find myself distancing from this city and it’s ‘Fakeness’ I wonder is this not a new reality. A reality based on copies and copies of copies. Probably that’s where
The Protestant reformists of the 1500s believed “That Absurd meaninglessness can become the source of Salvation”. Similarly probably the rulers of Dubai seem to believe in an Absurd meaninglessness through excessiveness that could help them Salvage a city that is suppose to be dying out (because of fast depleting oil resources) much faster than all her competitors in the region.
Anyways, I shall leave that at that for now. Here’s a picture of all my dudes in
A Google map tracing my travels across the globe
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